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The Milkman Show

Building Blocks of Empowerment: Kindness and Power

6 minutes | Thursday, June 23, 2022

1. Kindness is being friendly, generous and considerate.
2. Things like gratitude, having good intentions, being philanthropic, being courteous, smiling, listening and positive actions as well as generosity are all examples of being kind.
3. It also includes being kind to yourself and not giving yourself a hard time when you don’t meet your own expectations.
4. Kindness in all its forms has many physical and mental health benefits because it releases feel good chemicals throughout your body which lifts you up.
5. Not only does kindness help you, and improves relationships, it is also contagious – inspiring others to do the same and pay it forward.
TRY THIS: Commit to doing one kind act a day for yourself and one for others. Write about the experience in your journal when listing your gratitude at the end of the day.
POST IT NOTE: I will be kind to others and myself

Building Blocks of Empowerment: Kindness and Power
The Milkman Show

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