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The Milkman Show

Soul’s Purpose and Empowerment: Light, Darkness and Power

9 minutes | Friday, June 17, 2022

Soul’s Purpose and Empowerment: Light, Darkness and Power [Be a Rockstar]
1. We all have light and dark within us. No one is all dark or all light. Some days light is more prevalent while others darkness is. Light only exists because of darkness. You need both.
2. Recognizing and appreciating both sides of ourselves helps us understand who we truly are and use it to empower us.
3. What you feed will flourish. In the same way, if you keep feeding the light within you then that will grow. Alternately, if you feed your dark thoughts then they will be the ones that grow.
4. Darkness and dark times in our life serve as lessons and show us what parts of ourselves we need to work on. They also help us appreciate the light much more.
5. Daily affirmations and gratitude journaling helps with that because it will focus your thoughts and help you see the trends in your life.
TRY THIS: Journal how you feel each day, including end of the day gratitude for the day’s events, in the morning choose affirmations that will help you have a better day than the previous one. Repeat this cycle each day.
POST IT NOTE: I will embrace both light and dark parts of myself

Soul’s Purpose and Empowerment: Light, Darkness and Power
The Milkman Show

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