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The Milkman Show

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Why The McD Ice Cream Machine Is Always Broken


5 minutes | Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown from reveals WHY the McDonald's ice cream machine is broken...
7 minutes | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Suzie is available to coach YOU at § MAIN POINTS: 1. Set up goals that are specific (simple), measurable (meaningful), achievable (attainable), relevant (realistic) and time bound (timely). 2. Consider the personal sacrifices necessary and if you are willing to endure them. 3. Plan your path and prepare for obstacles. 4. Set yourself up for success by preparing your environment. 5. Celebrate your successes, even if they are small. § TRY THIS: Set up a S.M.A.R.T. goal for yourself, make sure it’s an easy one to start. POST IT NOTE: I will achieve my goals!
5 minutes | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown from tells the story of a man in England who was unaware of a contest... And ended up eating the winnings!
7 minutes | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Canada's Money Coach, is back with more tips on HOW TO SAVE A THOUSAND! Truly simple things you can do today!
29 seconds | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
6 minutes | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
It's National Potato Chip Day!   Chris Fothergill-Brown from tells us about the history of the snack, and about some of the oddest flavours out there!
12 minutes | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Canada's Money Coach, kicks off a week long conversation of 50 Ways To Save A Thousand! Easy, simple, practical ways to put money back into your pocket!
3 minutes | Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Sex at the office happens more than you think.  A LOT more than you think...'s Sue McGarvie tells you more!
3 minutes | Thursday, March 10, 2022
Sex therapist Sue McGarvie answers a listener question about having sex during menstruation.     Your questions for Sue to
10 minutes | Thursday, March 10, 2022
Need a pep talk?  A coach?   Connect with Suzie at § So, what makes someone awesome? They are someone who inspires admiration from others, but how? § Well, there is no one answer. It depends what people look up to. But what I want to speak about it how you can stand tall and strong and feel awesome alone. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this is extremely important. § You need to ask yourself what values do YOU possess that make you awesome and proud. It could be your accomplishments or even the fact that you are a good listener or honest or even reliable. It...
5 minutes | Thursday, March 10, 2022
Canada's Money Coach, Judith Cane ( offers to tips on making sure you're actually ahead, financially, if moving to a new job.
4 minutes | Thursday, March 10, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown from introduces us to the amazing Maple Cruffin!!!! ... And you can get them locally!!!
2 minutes | Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Does a strong sense of smell makes you more orgasmic? Find out from sex therapist Sue McGarvie on this week's WEIRD SEX WEDNESDAY segment from The Milkman Show!
6 minutes | Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Canada's Money Coach is Judith Cane, - today she talks about the importance of teaching kids about money, and she offers some fun tips on HOW to do that!
5 minutes | Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown from introduces us to the newest beverage from Coca-cola... Starlight
8 minutes | Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Coaching with Suzie at § I do not know how many times I   have heard from clients or others that they never got “closure” from someone   they were speaking to but “If you really want closure at some point, you have   to shut the door.” [Jacki Wells-Wunderlin] § Let us break this down a bit.   Along with complaints for closure are the words, typically, “just get over   it”. It happens to be “National Get Over It Day” believe it or not. But what   does that even mean and is it healthy? § On some level getting over it   is to recover from whatever is ailing us, even if it i...
3 minutes | Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Sue McGarvie of introduces us to SCREAM CREAM!    It was invented here in Ottawa!    You're welcome!
8 minutes | Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Can you still vacation in these challenging economic times?   YES! Canada's Money Coach has some great ideas for you!
7 minutes | Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown from takes us on a mini tour of some of the unique foods available at various sports stadiums!
11 minutes | Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Get GREAT coaching for yourself with Suzie!  Online @ What is letting go? Letting go is severing the attachments that people, places or things have on you. It is taking that major step to move forward without looking back. ♣ It is extremely difficult for most to do this, particularly if we were victimized by our past and especially if it has had a traumatic effect on the events, or choices, we have made in our life. You almost have your past on repeat, living the pain or angst over and over again. ♣ I get it, I too have lived through this. But I am here to tell you that ...
19 minutes | Monday, March 7, 2022
Today on The Milkman Show... Money Coach Judith Cane ( has some tips on how to save money as costs rise. Sue McGarvie ( helps a listener navigate the world of porn since their new partner loves it. Keith Whittier dives into Disney+ for something you need to watch. The John Joke Of The Day And... How a man's lack of interest in sex lead to the very boring cereal known as Corn Flakes... Chris Fothergill-Brown from tells that story!
16 minutes | Friday, March 4, 2022
It's a Freaky-Deaky Friday with's Sue McGarvie... Today... The craziest things you've ever done... Judith Cane is Canada's Money coach, today, tax tips!   And Chris Fothergill-Brown introduces you to a Ukrainian food place that you HAVE to try!
24 minutes | Friday, March 4, 2022
Here are all of Thursday's guests from The Milkman Show as heard on - Sex With Sue's Sue McGarvie discusses a pantyhose fetish, Canada's Money Coach Judith Cane takes on the "I'm too young/old to start saving for retirement" way of thinking, The Diva Of Love continues her coaching segment for this week; compliments and Chris Fothergill Brown tells us about Soup #5... 
4 minutes | Thursday, March 3, 2022
Sue McGarvie of Sex With Sue answers this listener question... Sue is online for your questions!
9 minutes | Thursday, March 3, 2022
Amazing coaching from Suzie, The Diva Of Love again today! § We all want to be more likeable. Not only does it bring us a feeling of belonging and even validation, it just feels good. It can also help us reach our personal and professional goals. § A survey was conducted asking what makes people likeable and here are the results (in order of rank): Be funny, Be a good listener, Don’t judge, Be authentic, Show people that you like them, Smile, Be humble, Keep your promises. § No one can dispute this list. So how to do it? Let’s go through the list … - Be funny – have a...
5 minutes | Thursday, March 3, 2022
Bird Spit was NOT the weirdest soup he's ever eaten... Food adventurist Chris Fothergill-Brown from THAT'S RANK ( tells us what is!
6 minutes | Thursday, March 3, 2022
Canada's Money Coach, says it's never too early and never too late to start saving for retirement and offers some tips on how to get started! The Milkman Show is heard weekdays 9am-12pm ET on
26 minutes | Wednesday, March 2, 2022
All of today's guests (also available on this podcast individually) mixed into one for your convenience! Catch The Milkman Show live on weekdays 9am ET. Today... Chris Fothergill-Brown ( - Hot food Diva Of Love ( - Complimenting yourself Judith Cane ( - Money Myth - My partner manages the $, so I don’t need to worry Keith Whittier ( - Review of The Batman Sex With Sue ( - Weird Sex Wednesday - How guys can last longer
3 minutes | Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Ottawa movie reviewer Keith Whittier ( previews the new Batman movie!
4 minutes | Wednesday, March 2, 2022
It's Weird Sex Wednesday with sex therapist, blogger and talk show host Sue McGarvie ( - Including a tip for guys on how to last longer!
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Why The McD Ice Cream Machine Is Always Broken
The Milkman Show

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