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Music Success - Matthew Stapley The 60 Second Psychic Sept 28, 2021


2 minutes | Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Dear I am wondering if the new single will amount to anything or am I just having fun
9 minutes | Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Connect with Suzie at Winning the dating race (Keeping it slow and steady) In order to protect the longevity of a relationship, new couples should enter into the relationship slowly and get to know each other at a slower pace.  • I have always said that a fire that burns fast and hot will burn out just as fast. It has happened to me and it has happened to most of you. Admit it.  • Sometimes you meet someone, have instant chemistry, everything moves super fast and then BAM it’s over before it even began, what happened? Well you ate your whole cake in one sitting. ...
2 minutes | Thursday, September 23, 2021
Dear My son is job hunting. Many resumes have been sent out and he has t heard back from any.  When will he find / secure a better paying job.  Thanks Matthew ! 
8 minutes | Thursday, September 23, 2021
Suzie is with use Tuesdays and Thursdays and online at Instant chemistry. The “wow factor“. Does it really matter? Well, yes and no. • Do you need chemistry to make a relationship work? I think it is important, yes. Do you need INSTANT chemistry? No, not necessarily.  • The problem with the current dating environment is that people are looking for that initial spark, the WOW, the fireworks when they first meet someone. If they don’t feel it then they’ll discount the person completely. I say that is WRONG. • I’ve at time had instant chemistry and sometimes not. I...
2 minutes | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Dear I do not know how to get out of my situation. Need to move... rent's too high.  Things are so negative in my building.  My personal injury not going ahead. I feel so stuck. 
2 minutes | Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Dear I would love to know when my life will settle down ?
10 minutes | Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Connect with Ottawa's dating expert at § So many people are in these complicated situations where they are the other women or man, they are fully aware and still continue (note that I’m speaking about secret relationships, not open ones) § Sometimes they are not even in a relationship but they still keep you secret but either way secret relationships ARE NOT romantic, neither is forbidden love, we are not 12. § While you can’t always help who you fall in love with, you can help what you do about it § Everyone has their different reasons, it could be ego, it could b...
2 minutes | Monday, September 20, 2021
Your 1 or 2 sentence life questions to Hi  Matthew, I have been listening to your broadcasts, but never lucky  enough to get an answer through them. So this is my chance.  Also please  let me know when you will be on Air so that I know when you reply to My  question;  I'm very tired and mentally drained lately, do you see any health  problems me ?
3 minutes | Friday, September 17, 2021
Your life questions to Hi  Matthew, my husband passed in May.  I was there at the hospital with  him, and while the doctor was telling me the oxygen deprivation had  already caused severe brain damage, and he wasn’t going to make it, I  was telling him several times to open his eyes if he heard me and he  opened them wide every time. I feel like they were giving up before it  was time. They couldn’t keep his oxygen up, and he quietly passed while  still intubated. I feel so guilty like his opening his eyes was telling  me that he really was in there. I can’t deal w...
2 minutes | Thursday, September 16, 2021
Dear Will  surgeons be able to get rid of the chronic pain I've had the past two  years and will I win the law suit against the doctor that injured me?  Thanks so much in anything comes through to you on this.
6 minutes | Thursday, September 16, 2021
What are legitimate dating excuses? Suzie The Dating Diva § A date cancelled on you the   last minute or, they just cannot be in a relationship right now because they   are not ready, or, they couldn't respond to your text for several days   because something happened … sound familiar? § How do you know if their   excuse is legitimate or just an excuse? It is all in the intention. § Some common excuses can be:  - work / life is really busy: no one is THAT busy, people make time / room   for things that are important to them and that’s not you at this time  - fami...
2 minutes | Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Matthew, My  question is if this new guy I’m seeing is my forever person? We have  both had dreams about each other for the last 6 months and didn’t say  anything because I was in another relationship! Thanks!!
10 minutes | Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Suzie is online @ § Do they make you melt like butter on a hot day? Or maybe give you sunstroke? Either way, you are giving away your power and control if they make you weak in the knees. § I get it, the chemistry is unbelievable. The energy is electric. Butterflies in your stomach are out of control. You are feeling a little hot, perhaps even a little faint. You think, "this THIS is what I've been waiting for all my life!" This MUST be my soul mate! Nope. § The rush is fantastic, do not get me wrong, the fireworks are great BUT a fire that burns hot and fast usual...
2 minutes | Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Does a spirit have the ability to make a Romba vacuum come on in the middle of the night? Send your question to
2 minutes | Monday, September 13, 2021
Today, Matthew Stapley, the 60 Second Psychic guides a listener with a question about her retirement!
5 minutes | Friday, September 10, 2021
Dear  Matthew.   I have a friend who I've known since high school.   We've always been  just friends.  A few days ago she sent me a nude photo of herself.   Moments later she  texted me to say that she meant to send it to someone else.  Like I said, we're just friends.    We've always been just friends.  But  now I'm really uncomfortable even messaging her and can't imagine even  seeing her face to face.   This is so awkward.    How do I get past this?
4 minutes | Thursday, September 9, 2021
Your questions to Dear Matthew, My kids are back in school as of this week and I'm not coping well. I miss having them here, and having them away from me during Covid is making my very anxious. I'm home alone all day and all I do is worry about them. What can I do to calm my mind? Am I being unreasonable?
9 minutes | Thursday, September 9, 2021
Connect with Suzie at • When you are dating digitally, online dating, you should always remember the “stranger danger” rule … essentially, everyone you meet online is a stranger that you know nothing about other than what they tell you, which could be a lie. So safety first! • That being said, you do need to have fun with it and put your best self out there in order to date competitively. • In your dating profile, for instance, it is good to talk about what makes you stand out from the crowd, but keep it simple and leave something to the imagination. • Sometimes ...
4 minutes | Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Dear  Matthew,  I love my job and I know I'm lucky to have a job right now.   But... My  company just posted a recruitment ad looking for more people to work  here.    And they're offering more than I currently make.  What do I do?
7 minutes | Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Up YOUR dating game!   Suzie is online at TODAY: • If you are unhappy where you are at, then you need to switch your gears and shift your perspective. You need to change your narrative. • We’ve heard before: change your story, change your life • First, you need to let go of past hurts, hang-ups and attachments. Release your baggage because it is holding you down. This will allow you to more easily let go of any negative self talk that limits you (I’m unattractive, I’m too old, I’m unlovable, I’m not interesting enough, I’m too fat/skinny/short/tall). • Next, ta...
8 minutes | Friday, September 3, 2021
Your questions to Greetings Matthew,  I was with a partner for over 3 years and we recently broke up a few months ago. I was ok with it for the longest time as they didn’t want anymore relationships.  We still live in the same house, but each have our own rooms. They still own the house. I have 3 spaces to be able to do as I please in accept have guests for sexytime.  In the last few weeks, they have met a “Friend” and said it would be nothing but friends. They are spending more and more time together. A trip I was going to take almost got cancelled and my “roomma...
7 minutes | Thursday, September 2, 2021
Your questions for Matthew to Dear  Matthew,  My mother passed away a while back and now we are helping my dad  downsize and move into an apartment.  While I was in his basement last weekend I found several large boxes  filled with pornographic magazines.  I had no idea about this side of my father and am wondering if I should  talk to him about it or leave it be.   Do we move these boxes or no?
8 minutes | Thursday, September 2, 2021
Your personal dating coach is online at When dating with purpose you can manifest what you really want but it takes true commitment to the process and intention. • You can attract what you are looking for by truly knowing who you are and what you want in a partner but it has to be a real intention. Focusing on how having this person will make you feel will help you zone in on what is most important. • You need to visualize the characteristics and qualities you want in a partner. Keep these values based qualities that are extremely important to you. • Use positiv...
7 minutes | Wednesday, September 1, 2021
I want to postpone a Vegas trip due to Delta variant, and friends are mad at me Hello!  Long story short… My friend, her husband, my husband, and me have been planning a trip to Las Vegas since May.  We plan to go mid-October. With the Delta variant, I’ve started getting nervous about going, and I suggested we postpone the trip until things improve again with covid.  Not only that, I want to have a “full” good experience in Las Vegas and preferably not have to wear masks like they are mandating right now. I’m also nervous because we have two unvaccinated children at home (young).  Our frien...
23 minutes | Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Psychic Medium Matthew Stapley tunes into the energies of some of our Twitch followers and reads for them! A rare and very special opportunity on
7 minutes | Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Connect with Suzie at Today: § If you are always ending up in the friend zone, then there’s something about the vibe you’re giving out that puts you there. § For some reason, you’re not inspiring butterflies in someone and you’re making the “friend” part too easy. You need to: 1) Be Clear About Intentions and Expectations: Being clear about your intentions and expectations ensures that everything is out in the open and that you are on the same page as each other. If you’re not, then move on and don’t waste your time trying to change their mind. If someone wants to ...
43 minutes | Friday, August 13, 2021
Meet the legend behind Rusty's Good Time Oldies on BTR! Russ Le Blanc has an amazing, storied career.  Hear about that, AND what exciting things he's got coming for you in the very near future! Rusty's Good Time Oldies - Wednesdays 2pm ET and Saturdays 6am ET on
14 minutes | Friday, August 13, 2021
Our weekly visit with DJ Dis Moi Oui to get you caught up on what's on tv this week and beyond!
5 minutes | Friday, August 13, 2021
Dear Matthew, Is it impolite not to watch series recommended to you by your friends?  I know it's a silly question, but I wanna know other's point of view. Your questions to
7 minutes | Thursday, August 12, 2021
Connect with Suzie The Dating Diva @ § People SAY they want to be in a commitment BUT at the first chance they get to run they do. What is it about the word "commitment" or "relationship" that has people running for the hills? § Commitment fears are the hallmark of every whirlwind romance and bench marked by emotional unavailability. It's all great while the fireworks are going off, but, when reality hits they go running for the hills. § Someone who is commitment phobic doesn't easily form attachments, so buyer beware! If you're dating someone who seems commitment ...
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Music Success - Matthew Stapley The 60 Second Psychic Sept 28, 2021
The Milkman Show

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