
  • Turned On Turned On

    A sex podcast for passionate and pervy people! Sue McGarvie is a renowned sex and relationship expert whose professional training is in psychology and reproduction. She is best known as the host of the top rated Sunday Night Sex With Sue radio show. John "The Milkman" Mielke is a radio host whose show is heard in the USA and Canada. A mental health advocate, he very publicly normalizes conversations about kink and the lifestyle on his show! It's adult sex education! Turned On With Sue & John! www.TurnedOnPodcast.com

  • Bumps In The Road Bumps In The Road

    Anyone who’s experience a mental health challenge knows all too well how dark, and how lonely a journey it can be. But just like any journey, the road can take you to better places. And, along the way, you’ll hit the occasional bump in the road. John Mielke, The Milkman hosts a podcast recorded from inside a 28 foot RV as he travels to community events, and live on location broadcasts across Canada and, soon, the USA!

 Keep listening for details on where we’re headed next. And, if we’re coming your way, I’d love to invite you into the BTRV for mental health!

  • What She Said / Candace Sampson What She Said / Candace Sampson

    Hot Topics. Big Laughs. Bold Ideas.

  • Almost Prepared Almost Prepared

    Take two friends, who live two VERY different lives, put them in front of a microphone and let the magic begin!! Jamie and Victoria chat about their relationships, friends, family and all the drama in-between. The good, the bad, the ugly, they chat about anything and everything, and share their honest opinions.

  • The Milkman Show The Milkman Show

    The Milkman Show - with Zoë, Milky And A Few Sues Too! Always fun! 5 days a week we bring you the latest in what's trending, plus movies, TV, streaming, music, and more! Features include: The BIG Question, Udder News, Fun Facts, Whatcha Watchin', Memes We've Seen, The Back In My Day Battle plus love and romance tips with legendary talk show host Sue McGarvie, daily mental health moments with Empowerment Coach Suzie and weekly movie reviews from Keith Whittier! Airing on radio stations, and on your preferred podcast platform! www.milkmanshow.com

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