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Empowerment Moment: Mindset and Staying Motivated


5 minutes | Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Mindset and Staying Motivated [Be a Rockstar] · Your mindset is the beliefs shaping how you see the world and yourself. Mindset influences how you think, feel, and behave in different situations. It is believed that there are two types of mindsets: fixed (never change) and growth (easily adaptable). Where you’re at will determine how motivated you will be. · When you have a motivated growth mindset, the goals you set will be more easily achievable because you will be more action oriented, persistent, adaptable and less likely to give up when encountering challenges. POST IT NOTE: I will mai...
10 minutes | Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Live   Free. Love Strong. Be Bold! [Be a Rockstar] · Some words of life wisdom for our 100th “Be   a Rockstar” segment! Live Free. Love Strong. Be Bold! This is your life to   live and we all need to do better and be better. We need to take our power   back and live an empowered life. Life is hard, there is no doubt about that,   but we can either embrace life as it comes or let it break us down bit by   bit. It’s not easy for everyone but it’s worth the effort. · Living free means being free of other people’s   influence and expectations and not giving up your power to them by seeking   va...
5 minutes | Tuesday, October 25, 2022
When the going gets tough [Be a Rockstar] · Life doesn’t always go as smoothly as we would like so how do we keep going when the going gets tough and goals seem out of reach? There are several ways you can stay motivated and it has everything to do with self-awareness and your feelings. · One important way is keeping your eye on the prize, this means knowing your “why” and keeping it somewhere you can see it and be reminded. Another essential way is changing the “have to” to “get to”, shifting your perspective and mindset will help you stay motivated to do hard things. · In the end, just ro...
5 minutes | Tuesday, October 18, 2022
How taking a walk can change your life [Be a Rockstar] · We’ve spoken before about how just taking a moment to breath helps re-focus your thinking. Today I’m going to take it one step further and show you how something simple as going for a walk will help change your perception, especially if you’re trying to figure something out or calm down. · We know there are many health benefits to walking but did you know that there are also many mental health benefits? Walking, especially outdoors, has been proven to reduce stress, help calm you down, helps with your creativity and even improve your ...
7 minutes | Tuesday, October 18, 2022
What I Can Control and What I Can’t [Be a Rockstar] · We need to focus our attention on what we do have control over rather than letting the things out of our control CONTROL us and take our power. Rather than worrying about those things we can’t control, we need to be empowered by the things that are within our control. · What is within my control: my boundaries, my thoughts and actions, my goals, my habits, what I give my power to, how I speak to myself, how I handle challenges · What is not within my control: the past, the future, the actions and opinions of others, what other people thi...
6 minutes | Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Slowing Down Your Decision Making Process [Be a Rockstar] · In order to start making better decisions, rather than being impulsive, you need to be more mindful and slow down your decision making process. This will help you make more informed decisions because it will give you time to think about it and to do your research. Learn all the facts before making a decision. Think before you speak. · When you learn from your mistakes, it also helps you be more self-aware and thoughtful as you go through life. You see the cues, you recognize the triggers. Remember, “live life forward while understa...
4 minutes | Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Breathing   to Refocus [Be a Rockstar] · Breathing helps relax the body. In fact, when you hold your   breath for a period of time it replenishes your oxygen levels and give your   body a much needed boost of oxygen and regulates your stress levels. This can   help you refocus in challenging situations and if you’re freaking out about   something. · There are two types of breathing techniques I can recommend: 1. The 4-7-8 breathing technique   involves: breathing in   for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.   Repeat as many times as you need in order t...
6 minutes | Thursday, October 6, 2022
Living Your Truth [Be a Rockstar] · Living YOUR truth means living your life in the best way that you can by being true to yourself, your calling and your passions. You fully embrace WHO you are, the good and the not so good, and you use your life experiences as solid stepping stones to help you on your journey forward. · To live your truth, you need self-awareness. You can begin by answering the following five “truth statements”: ü 1) The REAL reason I have an issue in my relationships is … 2) The REAL reason I’m not where I want to be in life is … 3) The REAL reason I prioritize other peo...
5 minutes | Thursday, October 6, 2022
Role of Journaling in Self Compassion [Be a Rockstar] · According to new research, those who experience greater feelings of caring and kindness toward themselves tend to also feel less uninterested and passive in life because self-compassion increases perceptions of a having meaningful life by strengthening our self-worth and enhancing feelings of connection to both the self and others. · Studies also have shown that self-compassion can be encouraged through journaling and meditation techniques, as a potential solution your “blah whatever” feelings. It actually can enhance your life’s meani...
4 minutes | Thursday, October 6, 2022
What’s Your Why? [Be a Rockstar] · Your “why” is the purpose of doing whatever it is you are doing. Your “why” motivates and fuels you to act and it keeps you focused on your goals each day. Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish, being confident in knowing why you are doing what you are doing will help keep your eyes on the prize. · Determining your “why” is so important, especially if you have a goal you would like to reach. Each day will have meaning, a higher purpose when you are motivated. You will also be more focused and your “why” will undoubtedly shape all your decisions a...
8 minutes | Monday, October 3, 2022
Self-Check: How Are You Doing? [Be a Rockstar] · Life goes by so quickly and we often live on auto-pilot without taking time out to do a self-check. This can really affect our mental health as will always looking back or worrying about the future. Staying grounded in the present means effectively managing stress and understanding your emotions. Essentially, just stopping and appreciating where you are at makes a big difference. · This is where self-care and journaling comes in. It can be a really valuable way to check in with yourself to see how you’re doing, what you’re feeling and what im...
7 minutes | Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Never Letting Anything Drag You Down [Be a Rockstar] · We all experience negative events in our life. But, instead of letting it drag us into a pit, we should change the narrative and turn this experience into a lesson learned. When we let any situation affect us then we are giving the situation our power. · Empowerment, taking back your power, means not letting anything drag you down. When you hold the power you’re like Teflon - nothing sticks! It takes some work to get to that point, of course, especially when you’ve let things and people get under your skin for such a long time. · Think ...
4 minutes | Wednesday, September 28, 2022
I Love Me, I Love Me Not: A Self-Love Letter to Myself [Be a Rockstar] · Being kind to ourselves is not always easy. We can be our harshest critics. That’s why it’s important to carve out some time for some self-love. Write about the things you like or love about yourself, things you are proud of, what you’re grateful to yourself for and what you feel makes you special. · Use this as a self-care exercise. Be comfortable and practice some breathing exercises to start and then reflect on what you would really like to write to yourself. Write it down (write not type), even if it’s a few lines....
5 minutes | Thursday, September 22, 2022
Experience vs Wisdom [Be a Rockstar] · Wisdom is defined as “the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment”. Wisdom is gained through experience, but only if you learn from it. You have to be able to see the value in what has happened, regardless if it is in line with your goals or your personal beliefs. I have spoken a lot about being grateful for ALL the things that happen to us because they have made us who we are and have the potential to bring us to an empowered place. That is wisdom. · What can make us wise? According to experts, “identifying and expressing your value...
6 minutes | Thursday, September 22, 2022
Our default reactions [Be a Rockstar] · We all have default behaviors and reactions, especially in challenging situations, it’s automatic and we do it without thinking. It’s something that has worked for you in the past that’s an impulsive defence mechanism like assuming the worst, jumping to conclusions, anger, focusing on the negative. · In order to change our default takes a lot of self-control and intention. We need to stop and think rather than being reactive. Being thoughtful, identifying your triggers and controlling your impulses is a good place to start. Your default reaction is li...
4 minutes | Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Do we wear our past? [Be a Rockstar] · When we have experienced pain or trauma, or even a challenging situation, we can hold on to it longer than we need to because it’s what we know, we are comfortable there even if it causes unhappiness and suffering. We continuously give it power and feed it until we wear it, it becomes part of who we are. · When our past defines us, it allows us to be that person which brings with it sympathy, compassion, even protection. It serves us which is why we keep it around. Instead of growing, this stunts your growth. · Just like we choose to hold on, we can li...
6 minutes | Thursday, September 15, 2022
Severing unhealthy attachments [Be a Rockstar] · Many times we can’t let go of our strong attachment – whether it’s in love, lust, friendship or even to things - because there is something tethering us to that experience but more often than not it is all YOU. You’re the one holding on, and you need to ask yourself why you’re still attached. False Hope? Loneliness? Fear? · Some people or things will always have a special place in our hearts but that doesn’t mean they deserve a special place in our lives. It doesn’t mean we have to give up our power to them and let them take up room in our cu...
8 minutes | Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Living your past on repeat [Be a Rockstar] · When traumatic events happen, we often relive those moments over and over again in our mind. It often consumes us and we get into a hole that we can’t climb out of. Hate, shame, fear or any other emotion you are feeling takes over your power and control. · Letting go of your negative experience is severing the attachment that other people, places or things have on you; taking that major step to move forward without looking back. I am here to tell you, from personal experience, that it is so worth making the effort to get to the other side of hurt...
6 minutes | Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Why you aren’t achieving your goals [Be a Rockstar] · We often make the mistake of creating goals that are too big and get unmotivated when we don’t reach them. Instead, make your big goal an umbrella or overarching on and set smaller goals underneath like rungs of a ladder. · You set the wrong types of goals. All your goals should be specific (simple), measurable (meaningful), achievable (attainable), relevant (realistic) and time bound (timely). These S.M.A.R.T. goals will more often than not be successful because you’ve set yourself up for success by taking all things into consideration....
8 minutes | Monday, September 12, 2022
Giving Yourself Permission to Say NO! [Be a Rockstar] · One of the pillars of self-care is the ability to only accept people and things in your life that will empower you and not devalue you. Being able to say “NO” to others is empowering and an act of self-care. You should be able to say “NO” without feeling guilty, selfish, shamed or unaccomplished in any way. · It’s not personal, it’s an act of self-preservation. It’s about your needs versus theirs. If they don’t align then you shouldn’t feel obligated in any way to say “yes”. If you do, you feel defeated, drained and disempowered, not t...
6 minutes | Monday, September 12, 2022
Everyone Makes Mistakes [Be a Rockstar] · We ALL make mistakes, it’s a normal part of life. But, when we make a mistake, we are often filled with so much shame and regret. We give the mistakes our power and it consumed us. We get lost in them. · We all do what we think is the best thing for us at each moment in time, and sometimes (many times) we miss the mark but in the end each experience that we’ve had has made us who we are and we should be proud of any growth we’ve experienced as we continue on our life’s path – looking back only to learn but not to dwell in the past. · We need to be k...
7 minutes | Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Speaking to Yourself   Kindly [Be a Rockstar] · Kindness should be at the center of all our thoughts   and actions. We should be models of kindness. When we choose kindness   towards others we will also choose it towards ourselves. In the same way,   when you are filled with kindness towards yourself, you project it outwards   to others. · Being kind to yourself means not giving yourself a hard   time when you don’t meet your own expectations. It is taking back your power   and eliminating any negative self-talk as well as downplaying your   accomplishments. · Learn to be kind to yourself f...
1 hour 28 minutes | Thursday, September 1, 2022
This is the show where we talk to you... About whatever you want to talk about! Today, Linda from calls to discuss the number of people they have who are looking to rent, because they believe that there isn't an opportunity to buy real estate.    In fact, there is.   She runs down some of the options and offers some fantastic advice about mortgages and how to save a few dollars along the way. Then, Julie calls to discuss the health care crisis.   Just last night the Kemptville hospital announced they would be closing overnights this weekend.   We saw this recent...
6 minutes | Thursday, September 1, 2022
I AM Statements [Be a Rockstar] · An “I am” statement is a powerful affirmation that affirms your best qualities and what you do. It empowers you at the core because it brings to light the best of YOU. It’s one empowering word that describes YOU. Examples of I AM statements could be “I AM Happy”, “I AM Worthy”, “I AM Confident”, “I AM Strong”, etc. Essentially, it’s something you feel proud of, this isn’t the time to be humble, say it loud. · These statements empower you because it highlights your self-worth and self-esteem. It makes you feel good about yourself and builds you up. The more ...
1 hour 12 minutes | Wednesday, August 31, 2022 was launched in late 2014 by well known Canadian radio host, John Mielke (The Milkman) after the station he had been at for 23 years changed format and he was let go. Initially intended as a place to continue his show until he found his next opportunity, the internet only station quickly attracted an audience, winning Fans Choice Awards, being voted BEST RADIO station three times at two different competitions and with Mielke being named favourite media personality. Today BTR has become an outlet for other broadcasters who find themselves in a similar situation to have a ...
8 minutes | Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Filling Your Cup [Be a Rockstar] Suzie is online @ · I speak a lot about prioritizing your self-care and filling your cup – this empowers you. Having a full cup makes you more confident, fulfilled and ready to take on the world. This includes physical, emotional and mental activities that make you feel empowered. It must be about YOU and how it makes you feel. · Some examples of filling your cup include going for a walk, meditating, praying, taking some time to breath, reading, watching a guilty pleasure, doing something that you love, being kind to yourself, etc. It can ...
6 minutes | Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Suzie is online @ · There is always something to be grateful for, or is there? Sometimes the challenges in our life leave us wondering why, but some things happen because they happen, no reason why. What we need to do is leverage them to our advantage. How? With gratitude. You can be grateful for the lesson learned, grateful that you got through it or even grateful you’re not there anymore. Use it. Change the narrative. · At the end of the day, I encourage folks to list what they are thankful for. This can be something significant or insignificant, what’s important is re...
1 hour 34 minutes | Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Today we discuss my ongoing insurance nightmare with more damage to my home following a storm last night.    And we hear from's Sue McGarvie on the top 5 places to find a hookup.   Chris Fothergill-Brown from has some Florida food stories for us, and, we get a call from YOU!   In this case, YOU is Lisa! Lisa tells us about how she got caught up in drugs and the effect that a crack addiction had on her life... And what it took for her to get clean and find her way to a much happier place today. THESE are the stories we want to tell every day.    What we...
1 hour 13 minutes | Friday, August 26, 2022
Today, two listeners join me on air; each have had Gastric Bypass Surgery. It's a conversation I needed to have as I've been dealing with some health issues lately that I believer are due to my unhealthy eating habits. Caller 9 is unplanned, unscripted, and the conversations we have are up to YOU!   Live weekdays 9:30am ET on
1 hour 32 minutes | Thursday, August 25, 2022
BTR's DJ Dis Moi Oui (aka Andre) joins me to discuss some of the amazing events on this week and this weekend for Ottawa Pride... Zip lining drag queens, partying on Sommerset St., and even Drag & Balls - Drag Queens playing baseball with The Milkman and BTR on location! Plus... What is the fascination some have with Christmas that they need to post about it being 4 months away?   Also... Photo Radar FAIL - if you got a ticket you may be getting your money back... AND... No photos at Shoppers in Toronto!    It's the show where YOU get to talk about anything!  CALLER 9.  9:30am weekdays on...
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Empowerment Moment: Mindset and Staying Motivated
The Milkman Show

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