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Goals of the Day


7 minutes | Thursday, August 25, 2022
Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. Setting the right goals for your day helps you achieve what you set out to do in your daily life because it motivates you to increase the effort you put in to accomplishing your goal. This also triggers new habits and behaviors, ultimately helping you reach the bigger goals you aspire to. 2. When you achieve your goal it inspires you to do more and gives you a self-esteem boost. These little goals help you achieve your bigger goals because they are a step up the ladder. Simply put, achieving your goal feels really good! 3. In your Empowe...
6 minutes | Thursday, August 25, 2022
Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. Affirmations are statements that write down and repeat. It is said that affirmations need to be in the present tense, positive tone, personal to you and specific. In essence, they are self-affirming declarations to help encourage a more productive mindset. 2. An affirmation is a commitment to yourself to make a change, to make better choices and to feel better about who you are. The ultimate goal is to encourage being kind to and accepting of yourself. 3. Affirmations can be an “I am” or an “I will” statement such as “I am worthy of love...
1 hour 43 minutes | Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Welcome to the first in what I hope will be a long series of daily conversations with YOU about... Well... Whatever YOU want to talk about.   We call it CALLER 9; heard Tuesday to Friday live on and on Facebook, Youtube, Twitch and Twitter! Today... I wonder where the workers are?    School buses cannot find drivers.  And they're not alone.     Plus... Electric cars when we can't even keep power on in downtown Ottawa... Redblacks games have become a bore and NOT because of the team.
5 minutes | Tuesday, August 23, 2022
As heard on The Milkman Show at MAIN POINTS: 1. There are countless studies that discuss the benefits of journaling on physical, mental and emotional health – such as reducing stress, boosting mood, boosting confidence, encouraging good habits, helping process emotions, refocusing attention, encouraging positive thinking, and the list goes on … 2. Although having the discipline to journal each day could be challenging at first, eventually it will be a part of your daily routine. The important thing is to start and start small. A few minutes a day in the morning and evening will...
11 minutes | Sunday, July 3, 2022
Empowerment on a Higher Ground: Authenticity & Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Living an authentic life means living your truth. It means being empowered by who you are rather than what others want you to be. 2. When you live with honesty and integrity, you are true to your core values and beliefs with little to no influence from others. 3. Expert advice lists these five ways to be authentic: 1. Don’t lie, 2. Don’t say what you are thinking impulsively, 3. Trust the feedback your body/gut gives you, 4. Stay in your own truth—and out of other people’s business, 5. Accept the ugly bits ...
7 minutes | Wednesday, June 29, 2022
MAIN POINTS: 1. Taking ownership of your life is empowering because you understand and respect your own role in your narrative. 2. When we lay blame on other people or things for our life experiences, we immediately give away our power. You are relinquishing control which can make you more miserable. 3. Instead of reacting impulsively, you can choose to take control of your thoughts, your words and your actions. 4. Taking ownership is also about seeing your goals and commitments through and not letting external influences affect you. 5. Affirm ownership of everything in your life each day, ...
7 minutes | Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Empowerment on a Higher Ground: Ownership & Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Taking ownership of your life is empowering because you understand and respect your own role in your narrative. 2. When we lay blame on other people or things for our life experiences, we immediately give away our power. You are relinquishing control which can make you more miserable. 3. Instead of reacting impulsively, you can choose to take control of your thoughts, your words and your actions. 4. Taking ownership is also about seeing your goals and commitments through and not letting external influences aff...
9 minutes | Thursday, June 23, 2022
Building   Blocks of Empowerment: Freedom and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Freedom is   the power or right to act, speak, or think whatever you want without anything   getting in your way. 2. People tend   to confuse what freedom really means and use it as an excuse for bad behavior   because with your freedom also comes responsibility – that’s where power   comes in. 3. Just   because you are free to say or do anything, doesn’t mean you should. We spoke   about free will before and it’s about making the right choices or else we   would all live in anarchy. 4. Freedom   empowers yo...
6 minutes | Thursday, June 23, 2022
MAIN POINTS: 1. Kindness is being friendly, generous and considerate. 2. Things like gratitude, having good intentions, being philanthropic, being courteous, smiling, listening and positive actions as well as generosity are all examples of being kind. 3. It also includes being kind to yourself and not giving yourself a hard time when you don’t meet your own expectations. 4. Kindness in all its forms has many physical and mental health benefits because it releases feel good chemicals throughout your body which lifts you up. 5. Not only does kindness help you, and improves relationships, it i...
8 minutes | Tuesday, June 21, 2022
1. Boundaries   are where you end and someone else begins – this includes physically,   mentally and emotionally. 2. When there   is a lack of boundaries, lines can get crossed very easily because a lack of   boundaries invites a lack of respect and also invites others to take your   power. 3. Setting the   expectation of how you want and should be treated (what is acceptable or not)   results in a more empowered self as well as healthier relationships with   others. 4. When   someone crosses this boundary you need to communicate this to them, otherwise   your boundary doesn’t have meaning ...
4 minutes | Friday, June 17, 2022
Soul’s Purpose and Empowerment: Service and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. An act of service is a thoughtful physical gesture towards someone else. You are supporting them in a meaningful and selfless way. 2. Your life will be interrupted and you will be taking up personal time to do this, but although it takes away it will also empower you because helping others helps you. 3. Some examples of service include giving to charity or volunteering, helping with chores, smiling at people, stopping and speaking to a homeless person, teach others, cook a meal for someone who needs it, etc 4....
9 minutes | Friday, June 17, 2022
Soul’s Purpose and Empowerment: Light, Darkness and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. We all have light and dark within us. No one is all dark or all light. Some days light is more prevalent while others darkness is. Light only exists because of darkness. You need both. 2. Recognizing and appreciating both sides of ourselves helps us understand who we truly are and use it to empower us. 3. What you feed will flourish. In the same way, if you keep feeding the light within you then that will grow. Alternately, if you feed your dark thoughts then they will be the ones that grow. 4. Darknes...
6 minutes | Friday, June 17, 2022
Soul’s Purpose and Empowerment: Inner Peace and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Inner peace is a state of being at peace with yourself, your life and your surroundings. It brings you calm despite any storm. 2. Spiritual practices have proven to benefit both mental and physical health as well as bring you inner peace. In turn, this brings you clarity and empowerment. 3. You can achieve inner peace by meditation, reflection, self-love, kindness to others/yourself, laughter, gratitude, living in the present and letting go of any outside influence. 4. All this is part of self-care. It’s e...
8 minutes | Thursday, June 9, 2022
Internalizing Empowerment: Needs, Wants & Power MAIN POINTS: 1. Your needs are limited, essential, immediate however your wants can be unlimited, non-essential and future. We all have needs and wants, but what differs when it comes to empowerment is where you focus your attention. 2. An empowered person can balance both wants and needs giving them each their proper place. For example, they focus their main core energy on needs and use wants as a goal post for where they want to be. 3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs discusses humans’ “needs” as a precursor of pursuing “wants”. At the bottom of ...
7 minutes | Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Internalizing Empowerment: Free Will & Power MAIN POINTS: 1. Free will is the freedom and ability to act the way you choose without any impediments. This does have moral, ethical and societal implications, however. 2. We must accept responsibility for our thoughts and actions. This is empowerment. When we take full control of ourselves, we can make the best choices for ourselves without the influence or validation of others. 3. While free will can mean the ability to choose, freedom of choice means possibility to choose. Some people, for various reasons, cannot choose what is happening to t...
7 minutes | Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Internalizing Empowerment: Your Thoughts & Power MAIN POINTS: 1. Countless thoughts go through our minds on a single day. These thoughts have the power to empower you or drag you down an endless rabbit hole. 2. Once you are able to “control” your thoughts then you will be in better shape to control your life and all the experiences that you encounter. You can do this by taking a deep breath and focusing on the moment. 3. Recognize what events trigger negative or hurtful thoughts and work on it with a professional or a trusted friend because these thoughts take away your power and hold you b...
6 minutes | Thursday, June 2, 2022
Suzie is available to coach YOU @ MAIN POINTS: 1. Motivation is that power that makes you do the “stuff” that you need or want to do. It is your driving force. 2. Every person has different motivators in their life and it is something very personal. You have to be aware of what motivates you and use it to your benefit. This will empower you. 3. Being self-motivated helps you keep going regardless of set-backs, to take advantage of opportunities, and to be committed to your goals. 4. Self-motivation equals control and power. When you are able to do this effectively, you a...
5 minutes | Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Suzie is available for one on one coaching at MAIN POINTS: 1. Defining yourself starts with knowing who you are, confidently knowing what you stand for, being away of your beliefs, your values and what you stand for. 2. Many of us define ourselves by our relationship status, by what others think of us, by what we see in the mirror as well as by our past and this only takes away your power. 3. Empowering yourself begins with being able to define yourself truthfully using factual statements. Even the experiences you perceive as negative tell you something honest about your...
4 minutes | Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Life Empowerment Coaching with Suzie online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. Living your truth, admitting your truth takes you a long way and results in your empowerment. 2. Living your truth means fully embracing yourself as a person in the most authentic way possible. 3. Answering truth statements such as “the real reason I am not happy or I’m single or I don’t reach my goals, etc is …” factually will help you get to the core of why you are not where you want to be. 4. It is only by being truthful with yourself that you can grow and move beyond the things that are holding you back. 5...
8 minutes | Friday, May 20, 2022
Suzie is online at MAIN POINTS: 1. Acceptance has three facets – self-acceptance, acceptance of others and acceptance of a situation. 2. When you accept yourself as you realistically are. You see your imperfections, recognize and accept where you are at in your life, and then seek out ways to do better and be better. 3. Accepting others is about looking for the positive in them instead of the negative. It is about understanding them according to their world-view rather than yours. 4. Accepting and appreciating your current reality will bring you peace and help you unders...
6 minutes | Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Suzie is online @ Accountability and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Accountability is essentially taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions and words. It is owning your behavior. 2. However, accountability is not only taking the blame it is about being responsible for a commitment to do better and be better. 3. Personal accountability includes empowering yourself by acknowledging the role that you play in your own life’s journey – the good, the bad, and the ugly. You are not a victim of your circumstances; you are in the lead role! 4. Journaling helps you b...
6 minutes | Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Join Suzie online at Perception and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Perception   is the way you see, understand, or interpret something which is typically   based on your world-view, experiences and feelings. It is how we view our   reality and often influences our thoughts and actions. 2. Each   person’s perceptions are different. Each of us sees the world in our own way.   This is why it is important to clarify your perceptions and compare them with   other people’s realities to get the true picture. 3. When   something you perceived dominates your feelings about...
7 minutes | Thursday, May 12, 2022
MAIN POINTS: 1. The homes we grow up in as well as our childhood tend to define the person we become. Those experiences shape who we are. If we were uplifted or destroyed, it then reflects on our adulthood in a big way – and our feelings of empowerment. Divorce does the same thing. 2. Any trauma, shame, feelings of inadequacy will ensure our cups are never full and as a result, we will fill it all the things that will further take our power away. 3. It is important to sort out your self-worth and empowerment as soon as you can. This means doing the work you need to do as soon as you can do ...
6 minutes | Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Dating and Power - Suzie is online for you at MAIN POINTS: 1. I will always maintain that those who have a full cup and full control of their power always do better in dating. No amount of dating advice or matchmaking will ever be enough for someone who is not sure of themselves, truly sure of themselves. 2. When you are empowered, not only will you be a more affirmed and grateful person, you will radiate stability which will attract the right people to you – no drama, no anxiety, no confusion. The vulnerable, by contrast, attract all the bad seeds who will do harm. 3. Ta...
7 minutes | Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Friendships and Power [Be a Rockstar] MAIN POINTS: 1. Friends are your chosen family. It is the people who should not only lift you up but also be there as support when you need it most. 2. A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden is something I read once and it is such a powerful statement because a true friend will not care about your weaknesses; they will see the good in you. 3. A healthy friendship allows you to be yourself in every way without judgement or rejection for any mistakes you make. They will gently guide you or just be there to l...
5 minutes | Thursday, May 5, 2022
Find Suzie online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. All good things start from within you. When you take care of yourself, you can take care of others. 2. This means taking care of yourself physically and mentally (self-care) and being kind to yourself (self-love). Make yourself a priority in your life because you cannot be there for others if you are depleted. 3. Going through life with an empty cup leaves space open for unhappy experiences because it is usually the trash we collect along our journey that goes in. Filling your own “cup” with what makes you most happy and fulfilled leav...
7 minutes | Wednesday, May 4, 2022
GREAT coaching from Suzie is available to you at MAIN POINTS: 1. Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another” and you are mindful of what they are going through in a real way. 2. Empathy is an important part of being emotionally intelligent because it makes manifest the link between yourself and other people by truly listening and understanding where they are coming from. 3. Empathy gives us the ability to be compassionate with others regardless of our connection to them. It fosters healthy relationships both personally and professi...
5 minutes | Tuesday, May 3, 2022
It's Mental Health Week!   Suzie is available to coach you at MAIN POINTS: 1. Journaling has been studied extensively as a way to help combat mental health issues. It has proved to be an effective way of managing symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as stress. 2. Journaling can help you deal with a challenging time in your life as writing down experiences and thoughts helps shifts your perspective. 3. Start the morning off by writing down and stating out loud several times your affirmation for the day, something that will empower your day and help motivate you. Eac...
10 minutes | Thursday, April 28, 2022
Suzie is available to coach YOU! MAIN POINTS: 1. Self-sabotage is when someone deliberately destroys themselves physically, mentally, or emotionally in order to stand in the way of their own success which usually results in them undermining their goals. 2. By recognizing why you self-sabotage, you will take back your power and control by replacing it with more positive behaviors. 3. Once you recognize the reason you self-sabotage, you can change your behavior by replacing it with a new reaction. 4. Find ways to reduce your stress by finding what triggers it, what the s...
9 minutes | Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Suzie is online at MAIN POINTS: 1. Bad habits are part of every one’s life. This repetitive behavior is usually triggered by an event or emotion and provides some sort of reward. 2. Breaking a bad habit will result in you taking back your control in power and improve the trajectory of you life’s path. 3. Identifying what triggers your bad habit and what the resulting reward is will allow you to understand it better. 4. Determine if there is anything that you can do about the trigger to help minimize the impact it has on your life. 5. Eliminating the bad habit by replacin...
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Goals of the Day
The Milkman Show

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