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From Bad Choices to Power - Life Empowerment Coach Suzie, The Diva Of Love


7 minutes | Tuesday, April 26, 2022
MAIN POINTS: 1. Bad choices are a normal part of life and usually end up in some sort of bad consequence. 2. In order to stop making bad decisions, you need to be more mindful and slow down your decision making process. 3. You also need to make more informed decisions. Do your research. Learn all the facts before making a decision. Think before you speak. 4. Learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Remember, “live life forward while understanding it backwards”. 5. Self-care rituals such as filling your cup will help you live a calmer more thoughtful life resulting in more mindfulnes...
10 minutes | Thursday, April 21, 2022
Suzie is online at MAIN POINTS: 1. Rock bottom is when you hit your lowest point. It could be a physical, mental or emotional experience. 2. Rock bottom is not a death sentence; it can actually lead to empowerment, if you are determined to do better and be better. 3. You can take back your power by setting small goals for yourself, celebrating your small successes and with self-care and self-love. 4. Knowing your “why” will help motivate you to succeed and help you through the rough patches. 5. Be kind and gentle with yourself and never lose hope, because anything is pos...
7 minutes | Wednesday, April 20, 2022
GREAT coaching is a click away at MAIN POINTS: 1. All people   can experience some sort of trauma in their lifetime. It might be an assault,   abuse, an accident or other disastrous events. This can result in   post-traumatic stress for many. 2. Coping and   recovery is possible but takes time and patience as well as a good support   system and strategies that include taking meaning from the trauma. 3. Taking back   your power after trauma begins with self-care and self-love – essentially   filling your cup with lots of good stuff. Your daily affirmations and   gratitud...
9 minutes | Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Suzie is online and ready to coach YOU! MAIN POINTS: 1. Shame is internalizing the judgement of others towards us regarding something we said or did and can result in looking at our selves negatively. 2. In order to take your power back, you need to “name your shame” and ask your self why you feel it in order to better understand the root cause of it. 3. Forgive yourself for whatever it is you feel shame for. Then, be kind and compassionate with yourself. What is done is done, it is time to take your power back by owning then releasing the power shame has over you. 4. P...
9 minutes | Thursday, April 14, 2022
Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. For many, saying NO is very difficult because of fear or the desire to be wanted or needed. Part of empowering yourself is to not accept anything that does not serve your growth or has a purpose in your life. Do not be a people pleaser. 2. Knowing your tribe helps you create a Teflon bubble that cannot be penetrated. Surrounding yourself with these positive people rather than toxic ones builds you up to be your best self instead of knocking you down. 3. Being powerful is also trusting your gut and yourself. You know you better than anyon...
9 minutes | Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. Taking control of your life means writing your own narrative, filling your own cup and living life on your own terms. 2. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing something that scares you on a regular basis will help with your confidence in self. 3. Living a healthy lifestyle helps keep you in a better state of mind. Self-care rituals are important control practices that train you for bigger things. 4. Take a break from time wasters such as social media, television and other unhealthy practices because it teaches you discipline th...
7 minutes | Tuesday, April 12, 2022
This week, Suzie discusses: Making your own luckTheme of the Week: Making your own luck Today... Attracting it, or creating it!   Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. When something happens to you, good or bad, you need to ask yourself if you attracted it or if you created it. 2. You have a significant amount of control over your life and circumstances than you give yourself credit. 3. Making your own luck consists of a lot of creating and doing, sometimes outside your comfort zone. 4. You can attract good or unfortunate things by your words and actions. 5. Gratitude plays ...
7 minutes | Thursday, April 7, 2022
Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. By identifying your stressors, you will be able to deal with them more effectively and knowing your triggers prepares you for it before it happens. 2. Breathing exercises help you relax when you need it most. Try focusing on something while you are breathing deeply. In through your nose out through your mouth. 3. Starting each day meditating on your daily affirmation helps you visualize a better day and outcome. 4. Laughing is a great way to reduce stress. Smile more and find humor in everyday situations. It also increases your feel good...
8 minutes | Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Suzie is online @ MAIN POINTS: 1. Stress comes when we worry too much about outcomes rather than enjoying the journey. Accepting and trusting the process helps you have a much more peaceful journey towards your goal or the outcome. 2. We need to live in the present. Accepting what is means acknowledging that some things are out of our control. Living for today helps with that. 3. Let go what was! You cannot change your past, you cannot change the decisions you made, or the traumas you experienced or anything you are not particularly proud of in your life. Stop clinging ...
6 minutes | Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Suzie is a life empowerment coach! MAIN POINTS: 1. Stress is your body’s way of responding to perceived emotional or physical threats. It can mean different things to different people at different times. 2. Although stress is a normal physiological response, it can become harmful and affect your physical, mental and emotional health. 3. Identifying your stress triggers is the first step to overcoming them. These are typically connected to your personal and professional relationships. 4. Coping can look different to different people. Keeping a “Feel Good” journal that yo...
8 minutes | Thursday, March 31, 2022
Suzie is available to coach YOU! MAIN POINTS: 1. People with a victim mentality see life as unfair; it is them against the world. This mentality gives them an excuse for why things do not work out for them. 2. Instead of healing and learning from their trauma, those with a victim mentality use it to their perceived advantage, which more often than not sabotages their efforts at connecting in a real way with people. 3. Playing the blame game and not taking accountability are key traits of someone with victim mentality. They are never part of the solution because it is a...
9 minutes | Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Make Suzie YOUR life empowerment coach! MAIN POINTS: 1. When you seek validation from others, you are asking them (consciously or subconsciously) to validate or approve things like your choices, values, beliefs, feelings, thoughts and your actions. 2. Seeking validation is based in the need to be liked and accepted or even give you a sense of belonging. 3. Seeking validation has a direct correlation to our self-worth. The more validation we seek, the more we prioritize others and the lower our self-worth. 4. When you learn to fill your own cup, you start diminishing th...
9 minutes | Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Suzie is online and ready to coach YOU! MAIN POINTS: 1. There are causes that are worthy of our offence – namely racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia and all other discriminations – where the smallest comment triggers a massive offense. 2. Some people, however, are hypersensitive, and they take offence for the sake of taking offence. Rather than championing a cause, they use it for their own purposes. 3. The virtual world has emboldened those who are looking for a voice but use it to attack and destroy those who they do not agree with or who they want to take down w...
6 minutes | Friday, March 25, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown from tells us about Golden Fries in Orleans and why you just HAVE to try them!!!!
10 minutes | Thursday, March 24, 2022
Your coach is online at § MAIN POINTS: 1. Outside your comfort zone is where the good stuff is. Thinking outside the box literally means stepping outside that box to find new, innovative ways of doing things. 2. Keeping it simple by not overthinking or overanalyzing a situation helps you see things as they are rather than through your own lens. 3. Asking the right questions and actively listening will open up a wealth of knowledge you did not even know existed. Remember to ask “what am I not asking you that I should” when picking someone’s brain about something so that y...
25 minutes | Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Today on The Milkman Show: Chris Fothergill-Brown ( … Weird things you can buy in a can Judith Cane, Canada's Money Coach ( - RESP’s Sex With Sue McGarvie ( - Weird Sex Wednesday - Silent Sex And... Ditching technology, life empowerment coaching with Suzie at
8 minutes | Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Find Suzie online at - Life Empowerment Coaching For YOU! MAIN POINTS: 1. Having too many options to choose from causes more stress and makes finding what we want or making decisions more difficult. 2. Avoid too much information online by filtering what information you see. If something is triggering to your mental health, keep it out of your main view, even if it means unfriending or unfollowing someone. 3. Approaching information from a critical thinking perspective helps you be more objective and come to informed decisions rather than emotional ones. 4. Stepping away ...
27 minutes | Tuesday, March 22, 2022
TODAY'S GUESTS: Chris Forthergill-Brown ( - Comfort Foods Canada's Money Coach, Judith Cane ( - Do I need life insurance? Sue McGarvie ( - Weed for your genitals Life Empowerment Coaching with Suzie ( - Overhauling your thought process
11 minutes | Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Read more / hire Suzie as your life empowerment coach at § MAIN POINTS: 1. Looking at the world, situations and events in an objective rather than subjective manner removes personal bias and helps you see more clearly. 2. See the big picture by flexing your observation muscles. This will help you be a more effective critical thinker. 3. When collecting information and data about a subject, ensure that it is unbiased and spans all sides of the issue. 4. When you effectively communicate with others, you will ask better questions, challenge your biases and learn from others...
16 minutes | Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Today's guests: - Sue McGarvie ( - The Butter Churner - Chris Fothergill-Brown ( - National Hard Shell Taco Day - Judith Cane, Canada's Money Coach ( - Payday Loans AVOID THEM - Plus your John Joke Of The Day
8 minutes | Friday, March 18, 2022
Canada's Money Coach is Judith Cane ( - today she wraps up our week long conversation of 50 ways to save a thousand! AMAZING, simple tips that will put money back into your pocket!
4 minutes | Friday, March 18, 2022
Oh the fun you can have with wax!    Sex therapist Sue McGarvie ( stirs up some Freaky Friday Fun in this conversation on The Milkman Show!
5 minutes | Friday, March 18, 2022
BTR's food insider Chris Fothergill-Brown ( introduces us to an AMAZING local business, Strawberry Blonde Bakery! Vegan, nut-free, gluten-free, and kosher bakin' in Canada's capital cit-eh! TWO locations: Kanata - 767 Silver Seven Road Westboro - 111 Richmond Rd
6 minutes | Thursday, March 17, 2022
Chris Fothergill-Brown introduces us to new ice cream flavours that we're just not ready for... But they're coming!
8 minutes | Thursday, March 17, 2022
With Canada's Money Coach, Judith Cane 
4 minutes | Thursday, March 17, 2022
Sue McGarvie ( discusses penis length... Because, you are concerned.
8 minutes | Thursday, March 17, 2022
Suzie is online @ § MAIN POINTS: 1. Identifying your core beliefs is the first step in being able to reach your goals and have an enjoyable journey getting there. 2. It is important to work on the negative core beliefs that are holding you back. Speaking to a specialist can help you challenge your negative beliefs more effectively. 3. Changing or adapting our fundamental core beliefs can be scary but can also be extremely rewarding. 4. Helpful and positive core beliefs help you achieve anything you set out to do even in the face of challenges and obstacles because you kn...
7 minutes | Wednesday, March 16, 2022
More money tips from Canada's Money Coach, 
4 minutes | Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Sue McGarvie of is back for WEIRD SEX WEDNESDAY... today... Working out can trigger an orgasm!
8 minutes | Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Life Empowerment Coaching with Suzie is available to you at § MAIN POINTS: 1. Change your focus to the lessons learned throughout your journey as well as your end goal. The destination should not be your only focus. 2. Growth is not optional. Remember that the journey is just as much about the growth as it is the final goal. 3. We all make mistakes but it is the lesson learned that matters and not the mistake itself. 4. If you are always giving up or tempted to move away from your end goal? Consider making a smaller more manageable goal and working your way up. 5. Make s...
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From Bad Choices to Power - Life Empowerment Coach Suzie, The Diva Of Love
The Milkman Show

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