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Judith Cane - Planning For Kids College


7 minutes | Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Canada's Money Coach, Judith Cane ( offers some advice on getting your kids ready for college or university. Discussing what they want to pursue is one thing, but can they, and can you, handle the financial impact of a post secondary education?
4 minutes | Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Today, Chris Fothergill Brown from That's Rank (Youtube) talks about food crimes... Some of the worst things people do with food!
7 minutes | Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Suzie is online to coach you @ § “If You Want To Become   Fearless - Choose Love” says Rune Lazuli. What does that even mean? § The way I see it, to love is   to be brave. It has to take a chance, take risks, and put yourself out there,   most often outside your comfort zone. § Over the past several years,   we have seen people move away from love, true love of others, opting instead   for a shallow representation of their interpretation of love, or even taking   what they can get. § Love, instead, should be   all-encompassing. This not only includes romantic love but al...
48 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
All of our guest segments are now available to listen to individually on this podcast channel, or as one mixed down complete episode (this episode). TODAY! - Life coaching with Suzie the Love Diva - Sex With Sue's Sue McGarvie answers another listener question about kink - Chris Fothergill-Brown is back with more fun food reviews and news! - Judith Cane is Canada's Money Coach - more tips on how you can get ahead in tough economic times - Keith Whittier reviews I WANT YOU BACK (Prime) - And on The Book Nook we talk to Jackie Schoemaker Holmes about her book of poetry inspired by her experi...
6 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Canada's Money Coach Judith Cane explains why not being able to afford a home is not a terrible thing....
5 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Following Superbowl Sunday, Chris Fothergill-Brown talks about foods we love to eat while watching sports! You HAVE to see his Youtube channel at
5 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
A listener emails with a question about being tied up and blindfolded. Ropes or handcuffs?   What about blindfolds. Sue and Milkman weigh in to advise!
21 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Jackie Shoemaker Holmes joins The Milkman for a heart to heart about mental health and her experience with postpartum depression.    That experience lead to her publishing a book of poems on the subject, EATING HER YOUNG, POEMS FOR THE DISRUPTION OF MOTHERHOOD.
3 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
As heard on - Keith Whittier reviews I WANT YOU BACK (Prime)
7 minutes | Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Suzie is online and ready to coach YOU at § To have healthy relationships with others, you have to have a super healthy relationship with yourself. § This means taking care of yourself physically and mentally (self-care) and being kind to yourself (self-love). § While going through life with an empty “cup” only leaves space open for the wrong type of people who will most certainly take advantage of your vulnerabilities and you will often fill it with anything out of desperation, filling your own “cup” with what makes you most happy and fulfilled leaves you open much heal...
25 minutes | Monday, February 14, 2022
Today on the ALL NEW MILKMAN SHOW! Sex With Sue’s Sue McGarvie offers some fun (even free) last minute Valentine’s gift ideas! Foodie Chris Fothergill-Brown talks about how food plays a role in Valentine’s Day. Our first ever Read It On Reddit has 2 listeners offer an opinion to someone asking for help figuring out their financial crisis with a pothead boyfriend. Movie reviewer Keith Whittier gives us his thoughts on the new movie MARRY ME. And Canada’s Money Coach Judith Cane has some advice for lovers… Forget having a big, fancy wedding.   There are financial advantages to keeping it simp...
24 minutes | Thursday, February 10, 2022
Today's guests are: - - Life coaching tips on how to upgrade your life! - - How to start the conversation about opening things up in your marriage - Chris Fothergill-Brown - Food News Wednesday - Crazy News In the world of food Plus... Today IS, celebrity birthdays and your John Joke Of The Day! We're live weekdays 2pm ET on
8 minutes | Thursday, February 10, 2022
Suzie is online for ya @ TODAY... Upgrading your life! § We all want free upgrades, but most good things of value come with a price. § Upgrading your life is about stepping into the unknown from the known. Taking a chance, a step out of your comfort zone. Be ok with the discomfort of change. § While it can be scary, it will be extremely rewarding and will increase your confidence and self-worth. § Start by raising your standards – internally and externally. Expecting more from yourself and others in your life brings value to all. § Make goals for yourself – what you want...
20 minutes | Wednesday, February 9, 2022
On this edition of the Milkman Show, The Diva Of Love offers some life coaching tips on how to embrace those growing pains and use them to move yourself forward!    Chris Fothergill-Brown is back to discuss more freaky foods, and the one thing he always reviews on Mondays. And... Sex With Sue's Sue McGarvie wants to know what your favourite erotic scene from a movie is! Plus, the John Joke Of The Day, Today IS, Celebrity Birthdays and more!
7 minutes | Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Suzie is online at § We all know change is hard,   but “Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for   growth.” [Bryant McGill] § Change is one of the hardest   things we have to go through in our lives. § The solution to the discomfort   of change is embracing growth – this includes constantly evolving and improving   yourself. § Everyone wants to be on   mountain peak but true growth happens when we are climbing the mountain –   especially the challenges and hardships. § The thing that makes change so   hard is the feeling of a loss of control. We l...
20 minutes | Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Today Sex With Sue's Sue McGarvie answers a listener question about Sue's adult parties... We get coaching from The Diva Of Love on how to avoid Imposter Syndrome, and our Food Freak who loves Freaky Food, Chris Fothergill-Brown is back!  This time around with a McDonald's hack for you to try! Plus, we have TODAY IS, Celebrity Birthdays and a John Joke Of The Day for ya! More guests joining us soon on the all new Milkman Show!
6 minutes | Tuesday, February 8, 2022 § The actual definition of imposter syndrome is: the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills. § Those with imposter syndrome doubt their achievements and abilities. They almost always have a nagging fear that they’re a fraud and others will see them that way. It can stand in the way of their own personal growth. § Think of it as – “I don’t belong here”, “I have no business being here” § It is something we have all felt at one point. It is actually very common, especially a...
19 minutes | Monday, February 7, 2022
Get ready!   An all new Milkman Show is launching before your very ears on - In this preview you'll get a feel for what's to come with expert guests like Sex Therapist Sue McGarvie, Life Coach Diva Of Love, Freaky Foodie Chris Fothergill-Brown, financial tips with Canada's Money Coach Judith Cane, live pshychic readings with Matthew Stapley, Movie and TV review with Keith Whittier... Plus celebrity news, Today IS and Today's birthday, your John Joke Of The Day and more! The Milkman is heard on BTR Ottawa, WSRQ FM Sarasota FL, FM 101.5 Milton ON, South Simcoe ON and Orange...
8 minutes | Thursday, February 3, 2022
Connect with Sue at: § Confidence in yourself means knowing you are great at something, you feel good about who you are and what you are bringing to the table. § When you are self-confident, you always have something good to say about yourself rather than always putting yourself down or comparing yourself to others. § Body language counts too. Self-confident people have a different energy and presence. They make eye contact and keep a straight back. § You need to be proud of everything that you have achieved. It could seem a small thing to you, but any achievement counts...
6 minutes | Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Suzie is online at § “Imperfection is perfection.” Said the   musician Flume and I would agree. We are all perfect in our   imperfections because these imperfections are perfect for us. They ARE us. We   should celebrate them. § Embracing   and even celebrating your imperfections is really about accepting   everything as it is now, including yourself. § You   need to love everything about yourself – yes, even your rolls, wrinkles,   bruises, scars, aches and pains, silliness and mistakes. § Who   has to say what is perfect anyway? It is relative and subjective. As they  ...
6 minutes | Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Connect with Suzie @ We live in a very image based society. Between the dating apps, social media influencers and entertainment, we are bombarded with images of seemingly perfect people. • However, these perfect images are, in fact, imperfect in every way. Most of the time there are several takes, lots of beauty enhancers and filters and set up situations.  • Is image important? Of course, it is but not every image has to be perfect and we should not compare ourselves to others.  • Embracing imperfections means saying, as Brene Brown wrote: “I am imperfect, vulnerable...
36 minutes | Thursday, January 27, 2022
My desire to find true leadership continues.    Plus... Why I feel that we need to hear the convoy protestors out. Let Me Just Say THIS About THAT.
7 minutes | Thursday, January 27, 2022
§ We all have our comfort zones, and, well, yes, they are comfortable, familiar and cozy because we know what to expect and how to handle it BUT perhaps you need to start thinking of your comfort zone like a cage. § Increasing your self-worth and confidence happens when you step outside the zone. § Choosing to remain in your comfort zone stunts your growth and progress. § You can better yourself and enhance your chances of success when you step out of your comfort zone. § You cannot make any progress in your life if you do not try something different. § In fact, staying in your comfort zone...
7 minutes | Wednesday, January 26, 2022
§ One of my favorite quotes is   from Tene Edwards and it reads, “Know your worth. You must find the courage   to leave the table is respect is no longer being served.” Wow! So powerful! § Those who value their worth   are usually happier because they are more confident and are more comfortable   in who they are are. § When you value your worth, you   stop tolerating, or even excusing, lack of respect. § A part of this is also   self-respect. Not everyone is there yet, and that is OK but it is a goal   worth reaching for. § It starts with believing that   you're worthy and valuing your wort...
4 minutes | Tuesday, January 25, 2022
§ Know and value your worth. We   all often undervalue ourselves and let others have discounts when it comes to   our physical, mental and emotional worth. § We shy away from praise or do   not even feel we are worthy of it or that it is necessary. Many of us, me   included, were raised to be “humble” but that made me really uncomfortable   with receiving. Something I am personally working on. § Many discount their worth   because of low self-esteem, which is something they either grew up with or   acquired as time went on. § It is really important to have   an accurate understanding of who...
5 minutes | Thursday, January 20, 2022
Connect with Suzie at § Self-respect is having pride and confidence in yourself, liking yourself for who and what you are, regardless of our deficits. § You are so much better than you believe you are. It is true. § Having self-respect is not the same as having a big ego; it is a demonstration of strength. § The Buddha said, “YOU, yourself, just as much as anyone in the universe deserve YOUR love and affection.” So do you love yourself? Love who you are? § Never lose your self-respect or dignity trying to please other people, be true to your values. § If you do not demon...
6 minutes | Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Connect with Suzie at § You. Yes you! You are great! § You are talented and capable of greatness. § The problem is that most people do not believe that they are great. § BUT it’s by knowing and celebrating who you are that you will truly know and enforce your worth. § Identify what you love and what makes you special, what talents you have, what makes you stand out from the crowd. § How to do this? Work at it. Yes, the “W” word. When you are exploring what you are great at you will have to work at building what is already there. For example, you may have a good singing v...
4 minutes | Monday, January 17, 2022
Suzie is online @ · One of the hardest things for people to accept is their worthiness of love and respect. · They may SAY they will not settle for less but they always do - from their friends, family, coworkers and love interests. · We have all been burnt on our journey and that can erode our self-esteem making us feel less worthy. · But I challenge you to take your power back! You are not a victim you an empowered strong person. · To be worthy of love and respect doesn't mean that you have to be perfect or better than anyone else. · No one person is more or less worthy...
5 minutes | Thursday, January 13, 2022
Connect with Suzie at Be a Team Player § We live in a world that is interconnected. Whether we like it or not, we need each other. § A team player actively contributes to their circle - whether it is a community, work, social or family group - for the greater good of all. § Someone who is a good team player understands their personal roles and responsibilities as related to others but also that they are part of a collective. All do better when each person works for the betterment of all. § Helping others becomes part of your daily life. Whatever that means for you. It co...
6 minutes | Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Connect with Suzie at § It's easy to get carried away with life's craziness which is why we need to focus on taking control of our life ourselves rather than letting life control us. § Control means different things to different people, so it is important to pinpoint what exactly you feel is out of control in your life in order to take the steps to regain control. § Whatever "out of control" means for you, it represents a challenge you have to overcome. For example, if your house looks like a tornado ripped through it, organizing and cleaning may help regain your focus. ...
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Judith Cane - Planning For Kids College
The Milkman Show

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