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Diva Of Love - I Am Stronger Than My Storm


5 minutes | Monday, January 10, 2022
Connect with Suzie at The storms we face in life can be overwhelming.  • It could, at times, feel unbearable, as if we cannot move another foot. • BUT we can. YOU can. You are STRONGER than your storm. • Using your past experiences and any supports that you have, you can get through anything.  • Just be patient with yourself. Some journeys take longer than others do and that is OK. • This week's mantra: "I am stronger than my storm." • Write it down. Repeat it. BELIEVE IT! • POST IT NOTE: I am stronger than my storm
5 minutes | Thursday, January 6, 2022
Suzie is online at It is important to be known as someone who keeps their word and gets things done – essentially a “closer”. • This starts by setting goals and achieving them. Start small and then move to bigger ones. Small goals achieved will motivate you to do more.  • Writing things down personally helps me achieve my goals. It makes it real and sometimes I write the steps I need to accomplish in order to achieve my goals. Then I put things into motion until they are done. • Being a closer is especially important in your interpersonal relationships. By being a per...
5 minutes | Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Connect with Suzie at We all have something we feel very strongly, even passionate, about. • Passion gives us a purpose and makes us feel that we have a purpose. • If you do not know, think about what you get excited about, what fulfils you and makes you excited, happy. Do not be afraid of it but embrace it. • Take that excitement and learn everything you can about whatever it is you’re passionate about and keep learning about it. You can also seek out others who have the same expertise and interests. Take some risks. • Make something real out of what you are passion...
3 minutes | Monday, January 3, 2022
You ARE where you need to be.  • At this point in time you're learning the lessons you need for tomorrow. • You might not be where you WANT to be but you really are where you NEED to be.  • When you accept today and show gratitude for it, you can begin living life forward.  • A better tomorrow awaits you, but for now, appreciate the moment. • POST IT NOTE: I am where I need to be
12 minutes | Thursday, December 16, 2021
Not Owed Anything (Managing Expectations) Connect with Suzie at The one thing that can stand in between where you are and where you want to be in your dating life is your dating expectations.  • Dating can be one of two things, dating can suck or dating can be a fun way of self-exploration. It’s really up to you. • It’s easy to get caught up in focusing on the outcome (where’s this going?) that we don’t enjoy the process. • Each and every single person looking for love has a list of what they are looking for. Some people just want to enjoy someone’s company, som...
1 hour 18 minutes | Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Another unplanned and unscripted conversation on The Milkman Show - inspired by a good friend and colleague who found herself in absolute hell yesterday when she discovered what her vindictive ex chose to do to her home... A home she shares with their daughters. That leads to talks about how people with ZERO investment in my business still feel like they are entitled to act as though they do.   Being rude is a choice you make.   Make better choices.    This is why we find ourselves in a place where schools are the targets for threats of violence. And... As we're about to tie it all togeth...
10 minutes | Tuesday, December 14, 2021
How to NOT Lose Yourself When Dating? (Ask Your Dating Expert Suzie @ It’s easy to get so caught up in our single and dating life that we lose ourselves, some even adapt or change to accommodate others.  • The key words to keep in mind are: independence and codependence  • While compromise is sometimes necessary, dating and falling in love, building connections with others doesn’t mean that you have to give up who you are or your independence. • Having a healthy relationship with yourself FIRST is essential. Someone you’re dating or even in a relationship with ...
10 minutes | Thursday, December 9, 2021
Unrequited Love (Obsessive Love) Connect with Suzie The Dating Diva at § Show of hands, who always wants what they can’t have? The more we can’t have it, the more we want it! § The allure of unrequited love is magnetic. There is nothing worse than wanting someone so badly and knowing you can’t have them. Nothing worse than finding the one you know you should be with but, as fate would have it, it’s not meant to be. Romeo and Juliet anyone? § Countless readers have written me about these very situations. I’ve also been in their shoes and it sucks. But are we just su...
8 minutes | Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Connect with Suzie @ § A “soul mate” is a   person that we connect with on a deeper level – physically, mentally,   emotionally, and psychologically. You just get each other, it’s like you’ve   known each other forever. It just clicks. It’s electric. § Do I believe it? Sure I do,   but I don’t think soulmates are necessarily romantic. You can have several   soulmates over the course of your life. I also believe that sometimes, even   if you have this deep connection, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are   destined to be in someone’s life forever. § I’ve been there. ...
12 minutes | Thursday, December 2, 2021
Happily Never After (Why is it never me) Connect with Suzie at  It’s so easy to be discouraged when you’re single and dating. It’s hard. Let’s not sugar coat it … dating can definitely SUCK and suck the life out of you. • Dating can definitely seem like an endless gruelling journey. It goes on and on, the roads are usually bumpy and so many obstacles along the way trip you up and hurt you.  • It almost seems like your “happily ever after” is actually your “happily never after”. • Before you throw in the towel and give up, you need to really stop and look at your ...
6 minutes | Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Is My Failed Relationship a Waste of Time? Connect with Suzie at No one that has been in a failed relationship, serious or not, can say they haven’t felt like it was a waste of time. BEEN THERE DONE THAT! I felt like I wasted some of the prime years of my life with all my bad choices. But was it really a waste? Is any experience a waste of time?  • After a relationship has ended, we typically think back with lots of sadness and regret. We play the blame game. We blame ourselves for the bad choices, we blame others for using and abusing us or even leading us on. • ...
6 minutes | Thursday, November 25, 2021
Connect with Suzie The Dating Diva at The single and dating pity party is a wild one! Lots of alcohol, trashy food, screaming, crying, anger, bitterness, resentment, blaming and shaming … what a wild ride!  • Make sure to bring pictures and items of significance. You might want to bring your phone so you can send irrational and emotional texts. This dating pity party promises to extinguish whatever positive hopeful light you still have lit inside of you BUT it’s your party and you can cry if you want to, right? Well… • There’s no doubt we all have had our own pit...
9 minutes | Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Connect with Suzie The Dating Diva at Divorce sucks! It TOTALLY sucks! I can say that from personal experience. You feel like a totally failure in life. You question “forever”. Your trust of others goes down the toilet. Regardless of why you divorce, even if it’s amicable, it’s never easy. It scars you for life BUT it’s not a death sentence. • It seems that divorce has become even more common after the pandemic forced couples to live and work under the same roof. Whatever was left of some relationships was decimated.  • This has propelled people back into the vol...
13 minutes | Thursday, November 18, 2021
Connect with Suzie at § Social Media now plays a significant   role in your dating life and can have both positive and negative   effects. § You need to navigate the dating   waters with Social Media very carefully because you can’t believe everything   you see or hear online. Anyone can write and be anything they want when they’re   hiding behind a screen. § Some people like to use it to   reach out to people rather than use dating apps, particularly those who are   in distant places. These encounters are scary because many of them lead to   catfishing and fraud s...
10 minutes | Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Connect with Suzie at § What’s YOUR digital footprint? Do you even know? How much can someone find out about you just by searching online? § It’s really hard to keep anything secret with the popularity Social Media and Google - the snooping possibilities are endless. § Face it, we’re nosy by nature. We’re curious. When the information is out there, especially if it’s in the public domain, is it fair game? Well… it depends. § I’ve definitely done it. Not most times, but sometimes I’ve researched dates before meeting them, more just to confirm what they told me about...
12 minutes | Thursday, November 11, 2021 § They say to have an attitude of gratitude and it really isn’t bad advice. § However, we don’t always feel so grateful, particularly when it comes to our love lives. § It’s really difficult to be grateful for our experiences, especially when things don’t go so well with someone you’re dating. § What I get my clients to do is to keep a daily gratitude journal. § By remembering how lucky we are and how much we really do have to be grateful for, we can quickly realize that it’s not about the bad experiences in our lives, it’s about the lessons learned and how it shap...
8 minutes | Thursday, November 4, 2021
Does Unconditional Love Exist? (Ask Your Dating Expert Suzie at § Each and every person seeks relationship with those who will love us completely, with all our flaws, all our bad moods and especially when we’re not so lovable. Someone who will selflessly love us … essentially we’re looking for unconditional love, but, is that even realistic? § However, expecting “unconditional love”, is, well, unrealistic because it’s expecting a lot from others. § Love goes both ways. We need respect, understanding and nurturing. § Instead of always expecting unconditional love, ...
8 minutes | Tuesday, November 2, 2021
With Suzie The Dating Diva! § A good date, essentially makes you want more. A bad date, you want to run for the hills. Is it really that simple? Sometimes (when you’re lucky!) § Sometimes, you’re on the fence and it’s not a hard pass, perhaps a hard maybe? How do you know what to do? § On the most part, some examples of what you need to look out for: Good Date - attraction, makes you smile/laugh, good conversation, eye contact, common interests, you feel special, it feel right, you want to kiss them - doing something fun, an activity date rather than just coffee...
7 minutes | Thursday, October 28, 2021
Connect with Suzie at If you’re interested in someone, you should totally make a move. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by even if your pride might take a hit. • Scary? Yes. Worth it? Definitely!  • You need to know how to gauge someone’s potential interest by “feeling” the situation. Body language is everything. • Also, confidence is key! Know who you are and what you have to offer. This way, if you are rejected it won’t bother you. • Look good, smell good and feel good. No one wants to date the stinky guy/girl. • Once you approach someone, here are some thi...
6 minutes | Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Hero Dating (No Works in Progress). Connect with Suzie at Fancy yourself a hero? How about a fairy godmother/father? A construction worker? Maybe a therapist? Or maybe you have a big heart. • You make excuses for them … all they need is a little love, a little help getting on their feet … all they need is YOU!! You are certain that can save them from themselves.  You LOVE that they need you (talk about an ego boost).  You want to turn that work in progress into your own miracle. You want to turn that bad boy/girl into the prince/princess charming. • What does a w...
49 minutes | Friday, October 22, 2021
LRT maintenance needs more supervision?  No shit! Trump's new social media platform. Where is all this anger coming from? Attacking a senior at their worst moment? And... Anti vax.
12 minutes | Thursday, October 21, 2021
Connect with Suzie at Anyone who dates online knows well that there are a lot of questionable types on there, some great catches, but most are somewhere in the middle. Ask yourself where you fit. Honestly. • The online dating weeds are usually the loudest and most charming, they tell you what you want to hear, how you want to hear it and they definitely “choke out” quality profiles just like your garden weeds.  • These weeds usually end up being the time wasters, without a doubt. • You can be a good weeder, you just need to be better equipped. Here’s how:
- have...
6 minutes | Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Connect with Suzie at The most challenging part about dating is actually getting that date! • There’s a lot of competition and not as much selection as we would hope. That’s why we tend to grab the low hanging fruit BUT the low hanging fruit isn’t always the best fruit, really you need to aim higher.  • There are some things you do to ensure you get quality and not necessarily quantity:
- know your worth and be mentally/emotionally prepared for a real relationship
- attract a quality partner by BEING a quality partner, be who you want to date
- get out of your co...
5 minutes | Thursday, October 14, 2021
First Sleepover (Ask Your Dating Expert Suzie at First sleepovers can be very stressful situations. You want things to go well. • Perhaps you do things in your sleep that you don’t even know about or you wake up looking and maybe smelling gross. • Your first priority is comfort and trust. Yours and theirs. As well as safety. This isn’t for someone you’ve just met online and never dated in person. Home dates are NOT first dates (more like a few dates in). • Home dates almost always end up in some physical action. Make sure you are ready for something physical to...
9 minutes | Thursday, October 7, 2021
How can I be a better flirt? (Ask Your Dating Expert Suzie) Men and women flirt differently. Women tend to be more subtle, batting eyelashes, playing with hair.  Men are more likely to make bold gestures (on the most part). • While some prefer the passive or cautious approach, I want to encourage singles to take an active approach to flirting and be better flirts showing someone that they are actually interested.  • You never know unless you try! Don’t worry about rejection, it sucks and maybe a blow to the ego but remember they don’t really know you. They are r...
6 minutes | Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Need coaching for your dating life? Has someone left you high and dry? Totally unexpected? Or maybe you want to end things in a dead end relationship? It is natural for things to end sometimes, it happens, not every liaison will work out. • It’s totally hard and sucks big time if someone does end things or ghosts you. • However, if someone does not want to be in your life why would you still want them there?   • We have this nasty habit of remembering the good times and conveniently forgetting the bad. I always encourage singles getting over someone when they ...
2 minutes | Friday, October 1, 2021
Dear I have a question for you... I am curious if my marriage is going to survive me in-laws moving in with us?  We are already on shaky ground.
2 minutes | Friday, October 1, 2021
Dear I need help in figuring out what to do in order to create my photo art business, I'm at a lost, please help? 
2 minutes | Friday, October 1, 2021
Dear A year ago I had surgery.   On that day my grandmother’s clock stopped on the exact time that my grandfather passed away.   I kept hearing a voice telling me to wake up and that my kids needed me.   Was that my conscience speaking or was it a spirit trying to connect at that time? 
8 minutes | Friday, October 1, 2021
Connect with Suzie at A lot of people are so confused about if someone likes them or not. What do I say about that? Well if you know, you know.  • If you are confused and not feeling so confident about it then it is your gut telling you things may not be there yet. • If someone likes you, they’ll want to get to know you (in person, in real life), they will want to speak to you and spend time with you. Their body language will be obvious. • They will also care what they look and smell like around you. They want to make a good impression. • It’s actually pretty o...
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Diva Of Love - I Am Stronger Than My Storm
The Milkman Show

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